Kouryuuki - Surabaya Kendo Tournament is annual kendo tournament held by Surabaya Kendo to commemorate the anniversary of Surabaya Kendo. The tournament took place in Surabaya Japan School gymnasium, on Sunday, February 19th, 2012, and open for all kendoka in Indonesia. This year tournament followed by kendoka from Surabaya, Malang, and Yogyakarta.
Men Individual:
1. Tesar (Suroboyo Kenyuukai)
2. Moko (Suroboyo Kenyuukai)
3. Erman (Malang Kendo Club)
Men Final match
Men 3rd place match
1. Yola (Yogyakarta Kendo Association)
2. Neni (Jakarta Kendo Association)
3. Happy (Suroboyo Kenyuukai)
Ladies Final match
Ladies 3rd place match
The Champions
Great tournament, great experience, hope to see all of you again on the next 7th kouryuuki.. \(^,^)