Kendo, Aikido, martial art related

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Aikido Seminar with Ikuhiro Kubota Shihan 2012

This seminar was held on march 12th, 2012 at Atmajaya university, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Kubota shihan taught with high spirit and the participants practice with enthusiasm. His movement was so light and agile for a person with his age, really awesome. Well, pictures speak more than words, so here's some from the event : 

Seminar hall

Practice started

Stretching and warm up

Another stretching and warm up.. :)

Wide smile from Kubota shihan :)

kokyu ho

showed incorrect hold/attack

showed ken technique/movement

irimi nage

tenchi nage


Pictures courtesy of Yogyakarta Aikido

Thank you for your visit, feel free to leave comments, and hope you'll come again for my next post.. ^^


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